Special Needs Schools

Although overlooked by most of society, Hong Kong has a large number of children that attend Special needs schools. We aim to help these students with learning through academic research, to provide practical teaching methods to help students with special needs integrate with society and enjoy normal interactions in everyday life.

Hong Kong is in dire need for more facilities to help students with special needs; and with the government placing more focus on normal education, special needs education in Hong Kong has stagnated compared to countries such as England. We aim to undertake our own in-house scientific academic research to study the behaviour of children with special needs (such as Autism and Down's syndrome); with the goal to come up with practical solutions for teaching these students - taking a positive step forward for Hong Kong in special needs education.

We plan to achieve our goals through a 3-step plan:

  1. Empirical Academic Research of behaviours
  2. Analysis of Results and Design Learning Packages
  3. Development of Learning Packages

Once the Learning Packages have been developed, it will be distributed to Special Needs Schools in hopes of bringing greater benefits to those in need.

If you would like to contribute or be a part of this cause, then please feel free to contact us for further discussion.